car crash

Automobile accidents often cause victims to suffer serious bodily injury or death. Typically, a victim who suffers injuries during a car accident will file a negligence claim against the party or parties who caused the accident. If you suffered injuries during an automobile accident, then contact Law Office of Jason Javie today to schedule a free consultation. 

The Four Elements of Negligence 

The four elements of negligence are duty, breach, causation, and damages. A plaintiff who suffers injuries must prove that the defendant breached the duty of care and thereby caused the plaintiff to suffer injuries. All drivers have a duty to act as a reasonably prudent person under similar circumstances. Deviating from this standard of care constitutes a breach of the standard of care. 

Injured victims must prove all four elements of negligence by a preponderance of the evidence standard. Essentially, this means that the injured party must establish that it is more than 50% likely that the defendant caused the plaintiff’s injuries. The more evidence you can gather regarding the automobile accident and your injuries, the more likely it is that your case will settle before trial. 

The Benefits of Retaining a Personal Injury Lawyer 

Retaining a personal injury lawyer will enable you to take advantage of attorney-client privilege and attorney-client confidentiality. These principles will help you protect important information that can strengthen your case. Also, you will have a legal advocate who can represent you during mediation, arbitration, and other proceedings. 

If you do not retain legal counsel, then it is likely that defense counsel will attempt to confuse you and delay the resolution of your case. It is possible that your case will be dismissed if you do not have legal counsel to help you develop counterarguments that can make your case stronger. 

The Most Common Injuries Victims Suffer During Car Accidents 

Car accident victims suffer many different kinds of injuries. Unfortunately, some victims lose their lives due to blood loss and other injuries inflicted upon them during an automobile accident. The following are some of the most common injuries victims suffer during car accidents in Philadelphia, Pennsylvania: 

  • Spinal cord injuries 
  • Lacerations 
  • Amputations 
  • Disfigurement 
  • Third-degree burns 

Seeking medical treatment for your injuries is important because you must acquire evidence that will help you substantiate your legal claims. 

Contact Law Office of Jason Javie Today to Schedule a Free Consultation 

We have years of experience representing clients in car accident cases. You may feel overwhelmed and frustrated if you are having problems dealing with the different aspects of personal injury law. Contact us today to schedule a free consultation during which we can discuss the facts of your case. 

You can benefit from understanding all the legal options available to you. Reach out to us today so you can enforce your legal rights and make sure that you have an effective car accident case plan that will benefit you. Some aspects of personal injury law are time-sensitive and therefore the sooner you act the sooner you can begin protecting your legal rights.